
By default, wangEditor does not provide the I18n function, because it can make the package too bigger.

Load I18next

npm i -S i18next

Include I18next

You need to include i18next in wangEditor when i18next is installed.

const E = window.wangEditor
const editor = new E('#div1')
// include I18next 
editor.i18next = window.i18next

Using I18next

You can use editor.config.lang to set I18n before editor create. Currently, we only provide two translations:'zh-CN' (Simplified Chinese) and'en' (English).

const E = window.wangEditor
const editor = new E('#div1')

// select language
editor.config.lang = 'en'
//include i18next
editor.i18next = window.i18next

Custom Language

Only Chinese and English are not enough. For this reason, we provide custom language functions.

const E = window.wangEditor
const editor = new E('#div1')

// select language
editor.config.lang = 'japan'
// 自定义语言
editor.config.languages['japan'] = {
    wangEditor: {
        please enter the text: '本文を入力してください',
//include i18next 
editor.i18next = window.i18next

Language Template

If you want to customize the language, you need to translate it according to the following template.

    wangEditor: {
        插入: 'insert',
        默认: 'default',
        创建: 'create',
        修改: 'edit',
        如: 'like',
        请输入正文: 'please enter the text',
        menus: {
          title: {
                标题: '标题',
                加粗: '加粗',
                字号: '字号',
                字体: '字体',
                斜体: '斜体',
                下划线: '下划线',
                删除线: '删除线',
                缩进: '缩进',
                行高: '行高',
                文字颜色: '文字颜色',
                背景色: '背景色',
                链接: '链接',
                序列: '序列',
                对齐: '对齐',
                引用: '引用',
                表情: '表情',
                图片: '图片',
                视频: '视频',
                表格: '表格',
                代码: '代码',
                分割线: '分割线',
                恢复: '恢复',
                撤销: '撤销',
                全屏: '全屏',
                代办事项: '代办事项',
            dropListMenu: {
                设置标题: 'title',
                背景颜色: 'background',
                文字颜色: 'font color',
                设置字号: 'font size',
                设置字体: 'font family',
                设置缩进: 'indent',
                对齐方式: 'align',
                设置行高: 'line heihgt',
                序列: 'list',
                head: {
                    正文: 'text',
                indent: {
                    增加缩进: 'indent',
                    减少缩进: 'outdent',
                justify: {
                    靠左: 'left',
                    居中: 'center',
                    靠右: 'right',
                list: {
                    无序列表: 'unordered',
                    有序列表: 'ordered',
            panelMenus: {
                emoticon: {
                    默认: 'default',
                    新浪: 'sina',
                    emoji: 'emoji',
                    手势: 'gesture',
                image: {
                    图片链接: 'image link',
                    上传图片: 'upload image',
                    网络图片: 'network image',
                link: {
                    链接: 'link',
                    链接文字: 'link text',
                    删除链接: 'delete',
                    查看链接: 'view',
                video: {
                    插入视频: 'insert video',
                table: {
                    行: 'row',
                    列: 'column',
                    的: ' ',
                    表格: 'table',
                    添加行: 'add row',
                    删除行: 'delete row',
                    添加列: 'add column',
                    删除列: 'delete column',
                    设置表头: 'set header',
                    取消表头: 'cancel header',
                    插入表格: 'insert table',
                    删除表格: 'delete table',
                code: {
                    删除代码: 'delete code',
                    修改代码: 'edit code',
                    插入代码: 'insert code',
        validate: {
            张图片: 'images',
            大于: 'greater than',
            图片链接: 'image link',
            不是图片: 'is not image',
            返回结果: 'return results',
            上传图片超时: 'upload image timeout',
            上传图片错误: 'upload image error',
            上传图片失败: 'upload image failed',
            插入图片错误: 'insert image error',
            一次最多上传: 'once most at upload',
            下载链接失败: 'download link failed',
            图片验证未通过: 'image validate failed',
            服务器返回状态: 'server return status',
            上传图片返回结果错误: 'upload image return results error',
            请替换为支持的图片类型: 'please replace with a supported image type',
            您插入的网络图片无法识别: 'the network picture you inserted is not recognized',
            您刚才插入的图片链接未通过编辑器校验: 'the image link you just inserted did not pass the editor verification',
Copyright © wangEditor (2020 - present) all right reserved,powered by GitbookFile Modify: 2022-04-11 06:40:29

results matching ""

    No results matching ""